
In order to fix that, we have to:

  1. Mount the database (if it is down, although shouldn't be)
  2. Clear the logfile groups
  3. Open the database normally

Now, firstly, to mount the database we have to have:

  • Parameter file(pfile or SPFILE)
  • Control file (Binary, NOT SQL commands)

If we have these two files, we can mount ANY database regardless if we have or don't have: datafiles, redo log files or whatever. S

SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1.0689E+10 bytes
Fixed Size                  2237776 bytes
Variable Size            8220838576 bytes
Database Buffers         2449473536 bytes
Redo Buffers               16924672 bytes
Database mounted.

Once we have the database mounted, we can check if all the files are correct and the header isn't corrupted:

NAME                                                         STATUS   FILE# CONTROL_FILE_SCN     DATAFILE_SCN DATAFILE_STATUS
------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ----- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
/dbLFALP/system01.dbf                                        SYSTEM       1   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/sysaux01.dbf                                        ONLINE       2   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_crew_large-02.dbf                                ONLINE       3   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/users01.dbf                                         ONLINE       4   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_crew_large-01.dbf                                ONLINE       5   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_crew_medium-01.dbf                               ONLINE       6   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_crew_small-01.dbf                                ONLINE       7   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_crl_large-01.dbf                                 ONLINE       8   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_crl_medium-01.dbf                                ONLINE       9   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_crl_small-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      10   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_mpp_large-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      11   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal

NAME                                                         STATUS   FILE# CONTROL_FILE_SCN     DATAFILE_SCN DATAFILE_STATUS
------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ----- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
/dbLFALP/ix_mpp_medium-01.dbf                                ONLINE      12   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_mpp_small-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      13   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_ops_large-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      14   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_ops_medium-01.dbf                                ONLINE      15   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/i00-01.dbf                                          ONLINE      16   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_base-01.dbf                                      ONLINE      17   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_crew_large-01.dbf                                ONLINE      18   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_crew_medium-01.dbf                               ONLINE      19   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_crew_small-01.dbf                                ONLINE      20   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_crl_large-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      21   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_crl_medium-01.dbf                                ONLINE      22   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal

NAME                                                         STATUS   FILE# CONTROL_FILE_SCN     DATAFILE_SCN DATAFILE_STATUS
------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ----- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
/dbLFALP/tb_crl_small-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      23   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_mpp_large-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      24   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_mpp_medium-01.dbf                                ONLINE      25   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_mpp_small-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      26   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_ops_large-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      27   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_ops_medium-01.dbf                                ONLINE      28   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tb_ops_small-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      29   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/tools-01.dbf                                        ONLINE      30   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/t00-01.dbf                                          ONLINE      31   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/ix_ops_small-01.dbf                                 ONLINE      32   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal
/dbLFALP/undo_01.dbf                                         ONLINE      33   14894573171135   14894573171135 Startup   Normal

So once they have been fixed, we can proceed with the clearing:

SQL> alter database clear logfile group 1;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database clear logfile group 3;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

Monitor the alert log, just to be sure that all is fine. Once the database opens, please switch couple times to guarantee consistency and that all mechanisms are working.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> /

System altered.

SQL> /

System altered.

  • oracle_bkprvry_lost_redo_inactive.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/10/18 20:04
  • by