In SQL Server, unlike Oracle, you have 2 sets of accesses to the database if I can say so:
- Login - Access to the server in general
- Username - Access to a specific database
A login can have access to a particular database or all databases, depending on its rights. Because of that, generally a DBA has to create a LOGIN for each user who wants to use the database and a username per specific database. The DBA can do that, either via the GUI (SSNS) or via scripts:
Creation of a database
The creation of the database in MS SQL is straight forwards:
CREATE DATABASE [database_name] ON ( NAME = N'database_name_data_01', FILENAME = N'D:\data\database_name\database_name_data_01.mdf', SIZE = 128MB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED , FILEGROWTH = 128MB ) LOG ON ( NAME = N'database_name_log_01', FILENAME = N'D:\logs\database_name\database_name_log_01.ldf', SIZE = 128MB, MAXSIZE = 8192MB, FILEGROWTH = 128MB ) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS ;
After a database is created, DBA can create a login and then username. Login is created on server level, where user is created on database level:
Login Creation
Login is single access to the server, usually it does not allow you access to any data. Login are used to ONLY connect you to the server.
User Creation
After the Login is created, we can create a user associated with that login as follows:
USE [database_name] <- Again, users are database related, not server related. GO CREATE USER [username] FOR LOGIN [login_name] <- Login name and username can be difference GO sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader','username' <- Role granting GO sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter','username' <- Role granting GO