====== DB2 Remote nodes/databases ====== ===== Data Server Driver ===== **Set path to data server drive cfg file (db2dsdriver.cfg) :** db2set DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH= **Export current DS catalog into cfg :** db2dsdcfgfill -i -o ===== Client connections ===== **Export/import client-to-server configuration : ** db2cfexp db2cfimp **Check cataloged nodes :** db2 list node directory **Catalog remote node :** db2 catalog tcpip node remote server **Uncatalog remote node :** db2 uncatalog node **Catalog remote database :** db2 catalog db [as ] at node **Uncatalog remote database :** db2 uncatalog db **Windows ODBC :** db2cli writecfg add -dsn -database -host -port db2cli registerdsn -add -dsn -system db2cli validate -dsn -connect -user -passwd ---- ====== DB2 Federation configuration ====== ===== DB2 data source ===== ==== Configure DB2 Federated tables ==== **Create a wrapper** db2 "CREATE WRAPPER "DRDA" LIBRARY 'libdb2drda.so' OPTIONS (DB2_FENCED 'N')"; **Create a server definition** db2 "CREATE SERVER APAAIRDB TYPE DB2/UDB VERSION '10.5' WRAPPER DRDA AUTHORIZATION \"apainst1\" PASSWORD \"passw0rd\" OPTIONS (DBNAME 'APAAIR')"; **Create a user mapping** db2 "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR apainst1 SERVER "APAAIRDB" OPTIONS(REMOTE_AUTHID 'apainst1' ,REMOTE_PASSWORD 'passw0rd')" **Create a table mapping** db2 "create nickname apainst1.scr for APAAIRDB.AIR.scr"; ==== Check DB2 Federation ==== **List User mapping & options :** db2 "select varchar(authid,20) USER, varchar(servername,30) server, varchar(option,30) option, varchar(setting,50) setting from syscat.useroptions with ur" **List Wrappers :** db2 "select varchar(WRAPNAME,20) as WRAPNAME, WRAPTYPE, WRAPVERSION, varchar(LIBRARY,20) as LIBRARY from syscat.wrappers with ur" **List Servers :** db2 "select varchar(WRAPNAME,20) WRAPNAME, varchar(SERVERNAME,20) as SERVERNAME, substr(SERVERTYPE,1,10) as SERVERTYPE, substr(SERVERVERSION,1,5) as SERVERVERSION from syscat.servers with ur" **List Nicknames :** db2 "select varchar(servername,20) SERVER, varchar(tabschema,20) schema,varchar(tabname,40) nickname,status,varchar(remote_schema,30) R_SCHEMA,varchar(remote_table,40) R_TABLE,remote_type R_TYPE from syscat.nicknames order by 1 with ur" ==== Delete DB2 Federation ==== **Drop user mapping** [apainst1@appid01-tj ~]$ db2 "drop user mapping for apainst1 server "APAAIRDB"" DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. **Drop a server definition** apainst1@appid01-tj ~]$ db2 "drop server APAAIRDB" DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. [apainst1@appid01-tj ~]$ ===== Oracle data source ===== ==== Configure Oracle local net service in Client ==== **Setup client connection : /path/to/network/admin/tnsnames.ora :** GENCSCT_new = (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= (PORT=1523) ) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=GENCSCT) ) ) ==== Setup federation in DB2 ==== **1. Enable instance for federation :** db2 update dbm cfg using federated yes **2. Create or edit ~/sqllib/cfg/db2dj.ini to point to ORACLE_HOME of Oracle client :** ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/client_1 **3. Edit DB2 user's profile to export ORACLE_HOME and DB2LIBPATH :** export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/client_1 export DB2LIBPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$DB2LIBPATH:$DB2LIB **4. Reload the profile and bounce the instance :** . ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile db2stop db2start **5. Create the Oracle predefined NET8 wrapper :** db2 connect to db2 "create wrapper NET8 library 'libdb2net8.so'" **6. Create the server federation to data source :** db2 "CREATE SERVER TYPE oracle VERSION '11g' WRAPPER NET8 OPTIONS (NODE '')" **7. Define user mapping :** db2 "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR SERVER OPTIONS (REMOTE_AUTHID '', REMOTE_PASSWORD '')" **8. Create nicknames to access remote tables :** db2 "CREATE NICKNAME . FOR .. ==== Federated objects ==== **Create index specification on nickname :** db2 "CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX ON () SPECIFICATION ONLY" **Collecting statistics on federated objects :** db2 "CALL SYSPROC.NNSTAT( SERVER VARCHAR(128) SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) NICKNAME VARCHAR(128) COLNAMES CLOB(2M) INDEXNAMES CLOB(2M) METHOD SMALLINT LOG_FILE_PATH VARCHAR(1000) OUT_TRACE VARCHAR(2000) )" where METHOD : * 0 -> DEFAULT, goes to 1 (Catalog-based statistics collection). * 1 -> Catalog-based statistics collection. * 2 -> Data-based statistics collection **Collect statistics for all nicknames of defined server :** db2 "CALL SYSPROC.NNSTAT('',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,?)" **Check statistics collection of federated nicknames :** db2 "select * from sysproc.fed_stats"