====== DB2 Backup & Restore ======
Set backup with TSM :
===== Logical Backup =====
**1. Create DDL for the whole database :**
db2look -d -e -a -x -l -o ddl_.sql
**2. Export the database :**
db2move export
**3. Transfer the files ddl_.sql and all exported files to another instance/server**
**4. Recreate database and import the data :**
db2 create db
db2 -tvf ddl_.sql
db2move load
**5. Extract DDL For certain tables:**
db2look -d dbname -f -a -e -m -t table1 table2 ... -o tablename.ddl
**6. Verify integrity on tables with check constraint :**
db2 -x "select 'SET INTEGRITY FOR '||rtrim(creator)||'.'||rtrim(name)|| ' IMMEDIATE CHECKED;' from sysibm.systables where status='C' and creator not like 'SYS%' and type='T'"
**7. Refresh MQTs :**
db2 -x "select 'refresh table '||rtrim(creator)||'.'||rtrim(name)|| ';' from sysibm.systables
where creator not like 'SYS%' and type='S'"
==== EXPORT/LOAD ====
**Compressed export/load :**
For example, one can create a pipe and set up gzip to compress things piped to it:
mkfifo /tmp/mypipe
gzip -c < /tmp/mypipe > mytable.del.gz &
In a separate process, independently, one could send the data to be compressed:
db2 "export to /tmp/mypipe of del select * from myschema.mytable"
The dump will be compressed by the background process you created and directed to the compressed file mytable.del.gz. Later the named pipe can be deleted just like any file:
rm /tmp/mypipe
The other way around is also possible, you can pipe the output of gzip into a named pipe like so:
mkfifo /tmp/mypipe
cat employee.del.gz | gzip -dc > /tmp/mypipe &
Then load the uncompressed data into your DB2 table:
db2 "load from /tmp/mypipe of del replace into myschema.mytable nonrecoverable"
Remove the pipe after the load is completed:
rm /tmp/mypipe
**Create exception tables :**
db2 -x "select 'create table datauser.' || tabname || '_BAD like datauser.' || Tabname || ';' from syscat.tables where status <> 'N' and type = 'T'" > bad_tables.sql
**Set integrity with exceptions to exception table created previously :**
db2 -x "select 'set integrity for datauser.' || tabname || ' immediate checked for exception in datauser.' || tabname || ' use datauser.' || tabname || '_BAD;' from syscat.tables where status <> 'N' and type = 'T'" > set_bad.sql
==== Optim High Performance Unload ====
**Unload table from backup image :**
===== Physical Backup =====
**Backup history (from history file) :**
db2 "select distinct case DAYOFWEEK(TIMESTAMP(START_TIME)) when 1 then 'Sun' when 2 then 'Mon' when 3 then 'Tue' when 4 then 'Wed' when 5 then 'Thu' when 6 then 'Fri' when 7 then 'Sat' end as DAY, DATE(TIMESTAMP(START_TIME)) DATE, TIME(TIMESTAMP(START_TIME)) TIME, timestampdiff(4,CHAR(TIMESTAMP(END_TIME)-TIMESTAMP(START_TIME))) || ' min' DURATION, case OPERATIONTYPE when 'F' then 'Full offline' when 'I' then 'Incremental Offline' when 'O' then 'Incremental Online' when 'N' then 'Full online' when 'D' then 'Delta Offline' when 'E' then 'Delta Online' end as BACKUP, start_time timestamp, substr(LOCATION,1,10) LOCATION, SQLCODE from SYSIBMADM.DB_HISTORY where OPERATION = 'B' order by date(TIMESTAMP(START_TIME)) desc,time(timestamp(start_time)) desc fetch first 60 rows only with ur"
==== Offline backup to TSM/disk :====
db2 connect to
db2 quiesce database immediate force connections
db2 unquiesce database
db2 connect reset
db2 terminate
db2 deactivate database
db2 list applications
db2 "backup db [use tsm|to '']"
db2 activate database
db2 terminate
====Online backup to TSM/disk :====
db2 "backup db online [use tsm|to '']"
db2 activate database
===== Restore DB2 database =====
==== Partial redirected rebuild of database (selected tablespaces) :====
db2 "restore database rebuild with tablespace (syscatspace,,)
from (use TSM) taken at
into newlogpath '/new/path/to/logs' redirect"
db2 list tablespaces
db2 "set tablespace containers for using (file /new/datapath/tbs2.lrg 2000)"
db2 "set tablespace containers for using (file /new/datapath/tbs1.lrg 2000)"
db2 restore db continue
db2 rollforward db to end of backup and complete
==== Restore of Log files from a backup ====
db2 restore db pnrwh logs from . logtarget /opt/backup/newpnrwh
DB20000I The RESTORE DATABASE command completed successfully.
==== Speed up restore ====
[db2inst1@appro01-rj backup]$ db2 restore database CMNDB WITH 10 BUFFERS BUFFER 20 <--- Pages
SQL2539W The specified name of the backup image to restore is the same as the
name of the target database. Restoring to an existing database that is the
same as the backup image database will cause the current database to be
overwritten by the backup version.
Do you want to continue ? (y/n) y
==== Partial redirected rebuild of database (selected tablespaces) with generated script ====
db2 "restore database rebuild with tablespace (syscatspace,,)
from /path/to/backup taken at on '/new/dbpath' into
newlogpath '/new/logpath' redirect generate script .clp"
==== Cross-node TSM restore/recovery ====
**1. Restore the DB using previous authorization :**
**2. Grant access to different node/user on source server :**
db2adutl grant user on nodename for db
**3. Query backup images on target server :**
db2adutl query db nodename owner
**4. Restore the backup image from source server :**
db2 "restore db use tsm options '-fromnode= -fromowner=' redirect generate script "
==== Tablespace backup/restore ====
**1. Take offline/online tablespace level backup :**
db2 "backup db tablespace(,,) [offline|online] use tsm"
**2. Restore tablespace from backup (offline/online) :**
db2 "restore db tablespace(,,) [offline|online] use tsm taken at "
**3. Rollforwad restored tablespaces : **
db2 "rollforward db dbdev97 to end of backup and complete tablespace(tsdata01,tsindx01)"
**4. Take restored tablespace from backup_pending state :**
db2 "backup db tablespace(,,) online to /dev/null (NUL on windows)"