======Overview====== Backup and restore of MongoDB can be achieved in one of the following ways: * Physical backup of the disk(via. snapshot, rsync or others) * Using Mongo utilities(mongodump,mongorestore,mongoexport,mongoimport) Let's start with Mongo utilities: ======Mongo Utilities====== The mongo utilities, like most of the databases come in pairs: * Mongodump - Mongorestore (Viable for recovery strategy) * Mongoexport - Mongoimport (Not Viable for recovery Strategy) Therefore, backup done with mongodump, has to be restored via mongorestore. Mongodump is able to do backup of: * Entire Server * Particular Database * Particular Collection =====Backup===== Let's backup a single database as follows: root# mongodump \ --port 9005 \ <- Port --db hunter_dev <- Database Name --out /home/hunter/backups/`date +"%m-%d-%y"` <- Location The following command will create a directory, which will contain all the collections inside this database. [root@tain-mt-fhuat1 backups]# mongodump --port 9005 --db monitor --out /home/hunter/backups/`date +"%m-%d-%y"` connected to: 2018-05-14T13:19:15.527+0200 DATABASE: monitor to /home/hunter/backups/05-14-18/monitor 2018-05-14T13:19:15.545+0200 monitor.system.indexes to /home/hunter/backups/05-14-18/monitor/system.indexes.bson 2018-05-14T13:19:15.546+0200 3 documents 2018-05-14T13:19:15.546+0200 monitor.monitors to /home/hunter/backups/05-14-18/monitor/monitors.bson 2018-05-14T13:19:15.559+0200 0 documents 2018-05-14T13:19:15.560+0200 Metadata for monitor.monitors to /home/hunter/backups/05-14-18/monitor/monitors.metadata.json 2018-05-14T13:19:15.560+0200 monitor.config to /home/hunter/backups/05-14-18/monitor/config.bson 2018-05-14T13:19:15.560+0200 1 documents 2018-05-14T13:19:15.560+0200 Metadata for monitor.config to /home/hunter/backups/05-14-18/monitor/config.metadata.json [root@tain-mt-fhuat1 backups]# [root@tain-mt-fhuat1 backups]# ls -lart total 4 drwx------. 4 hunter hunter 4096 Mar 20 17:45 .. drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 22 May 14 13:19 . drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 39 May 14 13:19 05-14-18 Backup records older than a certain date mongodump -d database_name -c collection_name -o dump_3mth -q "{\"d\":{\"\$gt\":{\"\$date\":`date -d 2012-12-18 +%s`000}}}" -vvvvvvv You can also automate it in a script as follows ===Backup script=== #!/bin/bash ########################################## # Edit these to define source and destinations MONGO_DBS="" BACKUP_TMP=~/tmp BACKUP_DEST=/apphome/backup/mongo MONGODUMP_BIN=/usr/bin/mongodump TAR_BIN=/usr/bin/tar ########################################## BACKUPFILE_DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M` # _do_store_archive function _do_store_archive { mkdir -p $3 cd $2 tar -cvzf $3/$4 dump } # _do_backup function _do_backup { UNIQ_DIR="$BACKUP_TMP/$1"`date "+%s"` mkdir -p $UNIQ_DIR/dump echo "dumping Mongo Database $1" if [ "all" = "$1" ]; then $MONGODUMP_BIN -u 'adminDBA' -p 'password' --port 9005 -o $UNIQ_DIR/dump else $MONGODUMP_BIN -u 'adminDBA' -p 'password' --port 9005 -d $1 -o $UNIQ_DIR/dump fi KEY="database-$BACKUPFILE_DATE.tgz" echo "Archiving Mongo database to $BACKUP_DEST/$1/$KEY" DEST_DIR=$BACKUP_DEST/$1 _do_store_archive $1 $UNIQ_DIR $DEST_DIR $KEY rm -rf $UNIQ_DIR } # check to see if individual databases have been specified, otherwise backup the whole server # to "all" if [ "" = "$MONGO_DBS" ]; then MONGO_DB="all" _do_backup $MONGO_DB else for MONGO_DB in $MONGO_DBS; do _do_backup $MONGO_DB done fi You can also use more versatily syntax as follows: ###Backup mongo### #!/bin/bash HOST=${HOST:-"$(hostname -s)"} BACKUP_HOST=${BACKUP_HOST:-"mongo@tbp-mts-backup01"} BACKUP_DIR=${BACKUP_DIR:-"/backup/db/mongodb"} MONGO=$(which mongo) MONGODUMP=$(which mongodump) TAR=$(which tar) SSH=$(which ssh) MONGO_USER=${MONGO_USER:-"adminDBA"} MONGO_PASSWORD=${MONGO_PASSWORD:-""} MONGO_HOST=${MONGO_HOST:-"localhost"} MONGO_PORT=${MONGO_PORT:-"27017"} DATE="$(date +%F_%H-%M)" STAGING_DIR=${STAGING_DIR:-"$(pwd)/dump"} DUMP_DIR="${STAGING_DIR}/${DATE}" function backup(){ ${MONGODUMP} ${USER_OPTS} --host ${MONGO_HOST} --port ${MONGO_PORT} -o ${DUMP_DIR} } function pack_db() { local of of="$@_backup_${DATE}.tar.bzip2" ${TAR} -cj -C ${DUMP_DIR} -f ${STAGING_DIR}/${of} $@ } function pack() { local databases databases=$(cd ${DUMP_DIR} && ls -1) for db in $databases ; do pack_db $db done } function upload(){ files=$(ls -1 ${STAGING_DIR}/*.bzip2) rsync -a $files $BACKUP_HOST:$BACKUP_DIR/$HOST/ } USER_OPTS="-u ${MONGO_USER} -p ${MONGO_PASSWORD}" backup pack upload ===crontab=== [root@server scripts]# crontab -l 0 0 * * 1-5 /bin/sh /app/mongo/hunterServer/scripts/backupMongo.sh >> /apphome/backup/mongo/backup.log [root@server scripts]# ---- =====Restore===== To restore such backup, we have to use the mongorestore command, but before that, be sure to tar and compress the folder: * Compress the backup folder * Move the tar archive wherever you need [root@servername]# tar -zcvf hunter_dev.tar.gz hunter_dev/ hunter_dev/ hunter_dev/system.indexes.bson hunter_dev/preTransCredit.bson hunter_dev/preTransCredit.metadata.json hunter_dev/transCredit.bson hunter_dev/transCredit.metadata.json hunter_dev/billGame.bson hunter_dev/billGame.metadata.json hunter_dev/billHit.bson hunter_dev/billHit.metadata.json hunter_dev/billJpContri.bson hunter_dev/billJpContri.metadata.jso This command will produce a tar.gz file which you can migrate more easily. The restore is done via the mongorestore utility as follows: === Particular DB === [root@servername]# mongorestore \ --port 9005 \ --db sales \ --drop /app/oracle/mongobackups/03-20-18/sales/ connected to: 2018-03-20T17:43:50.660+0100 /app/oracle/mongobackups/03-20-18/sales/accounts.bson 2018-03-20T17:43:50.660+0100 going into namespace [sales.accounts] 2018-03-20T17:43:50.660+0100 dropping 1 objects found 2018-03-20T17:43:50.682+0100 Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "sales.accounts" } [root@lpara sales] You can specify different authentication database as well: mongorestore \ -u 'adminDBA' \ -p 'password' \ --authenticationDatabase admin \ --port 9005 \ --db hunter_dev \ --drop /app/mongo/backups/05-22-19/hunter_dev ===Relocate DB=== You can also redirect a database restore, like: restore the data in Database A -> B, as folows: [root@tbp-mts-uatstdkr01 bulk_copied]# docker exec -i b2dcec2eba9d sh -c 'mongorestore --username root --password="password" --authenticationDatabase admin -d=B --gzip --drop /data/db/dump/A'; 2020-04-06T12:41:46.599+0000 the --db and --collection args should only be used when restoring from a BSON file. Other uses are deprecated and will not exist in the future; use --nsInclude instead 2020-04-06T12:41:46.603+0000 building a list of collections to restore from /data/db/dump/incident dir 2020-04-06T12:41:46.641+0000 reading metadata for studio.audit.oldtrails from /data/db/dump/incident/audit.oldtrails.metadata.json.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.661+0000 reading metadata for studio.rounds from /data/db/dump/incident/rounds.metadata.json.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.682+0000 reading metadata for studio.audit.trails from /data/db/dump/incident/audit.trails.metadata.json.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.684+0000 reading metadata for studio.rounds.requests from /data/db/dump/incident/rounds.requests.metadata.json.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.703+0000 restoring studio.audit.oldtrails from /data/db/dump/incident/audit.oldtrails.bson.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.707+0000 restoring studio.rounds from /data/db/dump/incident/rounds.bson.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.924+0000 restoring studio.rounds.requests from /data/db/dump/incident/rounds.requests.bson.gz 2020-04-06T12:41:46.925+0000 restoring studio.audit.trails from /data/db/dump/incident/audit.trails.bson.gz ===Particular collation=== You can also restore a particular collation(table) IF YOU POINT TO A FOLDER WITHOUT A NESTED FOLDERS :) mongorestore \ -u 'julien' \ -p 'password' \ -authenticationDatabase test \ -c collectionName \ --drop /home/backups/07-03-19/test Last one means that "/home/backups/07-03-19/test" contains ONLY that collation. In case the backup has been taken with the "--gzip" option it should be restored with the same: root@b2dcec2eba9d:/data/db/dump/incident# mongorestore --username root --password="password" -d incident --authenticationDatabase admin --gzip --drop /data/db/dump/incident 2020-01-20T10:14:54.470+0000 the --db and --collection args should only be used when restoring from a BSON file. Other uses are deprecated and will not exist in the future; use --nsInclude instead 2020-01-20T10:14:54.470+0000 building a list of collections to restore from /data/db/dump/incident dir 2020-01-20T10:14:54.563+0000 reading metadata for incident.files.chunks from /data/db/dump/incident/files.chunks.metadata.json.gz 2020-01-20T10:14:54.585+0000 reading metadata for incident.audit.trails from /data/db/dump/incident/audit.trails.metadata.json.gz *************************************************************************************** 2020-01-20T11:39:57.415+0000 [#######################.] incident.files.chunks 208GB/208GB (99.9%) 2020-01-20T11:40:00.411+0000 [#######################.] incident.files.chunks 208GB/208GB (100.0%) 2020-01-20T11:40:02.398+0000 [########################] incident.files.chunks 208GB/208GB (100.0%) 2020-01-20T11:40:02.398+0000 restoring indexes for collection incident.files.chunks from metadata 2020-01-20T11:40:02.449+0000 finished restoring incident.files.chunks (898117 documents) 2020-01-20T11:40:02.449+0000 done Please bare in mind, that the database accessability will be VERY LIMITED as the entire server will be locked.