=====Overview===== In this section we will upgrade 4.0 to 4.2. For that we have to disable the monitoring during the upgrade. From 4.2 we can upgrade to 4.3 without downtime, but since it is 4.0 we need downtime. https://docs.opsmanager.mongodb.com/current/tutorial/upgrade-ops-manager/ =====Preparation===== We have to prepare first, as so: * Backup the config files * Upload the new Software Of course we need the backup the old configuration before changing anything. ====Backup Config files==== Be sure to configure the following directories: * /conf * /logs That will provide you the configuration files and the log files. ====Upload the new binaries==== The binaries can be downloaded from the link above or from [[https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/ops-manager||here.]] After you download it, upload it to the software location on the server where you want to install it.