=====Overview===== Installation of Nagios XI can be done in two ways. * Automatic * Manual Both ways are pretty easy and very similar. In both cases, the procedure will verify the database, the necessary packages and other requirements. Let's start with the automatic way :) =====Automatic===== In order to automatically install, we can simply run the following command: curl https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/install.sh | sh [ OK ] ndo2db was not running... could not stop Starting ndo2db: done. Stopping nagios: done. Starting nagios: done. rm: cannot remove `/usr/local/nagiosxi/var/subsys/npcd.pid': No such file or directory NPCD was not running. NPCD started. Shutting down ntpd: [FAILED] Starting ntpd: [ OK ] Stopping crond: [ OK ] Starting crond: [ OK ] Daemons started OK RESULT=0 Running './Z-webroot'... RESULT=0 Nagios XI Installation Complete! -------------------------------- You can access the Nagios XI web interface by visiting: After **lengthy** installation, we have to change the permissions of the installation. We can connect to the server using a browser on the following address http://IP_adress/nagiosxi {{:nagioshome.jpg?direct&400|}} ---- * Create new services from: Configure -> Configuration Wizards {{:nagiosnewservice.jpg?direct&400|}} ---- * Review & Modify existing services from: Configure -> Core Config Manager {{:nagiosservicesreview.jpg?direct&400|}} ---- * Monitor existing services Home -> BBmap -> Services: {{:nagiosservices.jpg?direct&400|}} You will have to of course configure the new service (username,password) if it will be regarding database or a server. Which includes creation of a monitoring user with the correct privileges and accesses. Furthermore, once the Nagios XI is installed, you will have to reset the root password for the mysql/mariaDB database.