=====Overview===== VyOS combines the GNU/Linux operating system and a lot of free networking software under a single, unified management interface. It provides a command line interface in the style of hardware routers, as well as an HTTP API and libraries for configuration scripting. In this section, we will configure the following topology: {{:networktopology.jpg?600|}} =====Download & Install===== To download the software use the following link: https://wiki.vyos.net/wiki/Main_Page And go on "Get the software and download the 64 bit ISO file. Once you have it downloaded, create a VM using VMWare or VBox or whatever you want to create a Virtual Machine. In my example I have used a VMWare Player and following these steps: So first thing first, we need to create a new VM so we choose that option: {{:vyoscreate.jpg?400|}} Specify the location of the ISO file which you downloaded from the overview section and press next: {{:vyosisolocation.jpg?400|}} Specify the name of the VM and the location for the physical volumes and press next: {{:vyosnamelocation.jpg?400|}} Specify the storage and choose whether you want all data into a single file (my example) or you want them in separate file. {{:vyosstorage.jpg?500|}} Now, you can uncheck the power on tickbox or you can power it off later, up to you. Here it is left power on by mistake. {{:vyosaddnetworkinterfaces.jpg?400|}} =====VM Configure===== After we have our machine, create and power off, we can see that there is only one network interface: ====Check network Interfaces==== {{:vyoschecknetworkadapters.jpg?400|}} {{:vyoschecknetworkadaptersv2.jpg?400|}} ====Add network Interfaces==== To add more adapters, press "Add" in the bottom left quorter and choose the type of device you want to add: {{:vyosaddnetworkadapters.jpg?400|}} After you press finish you should be able to see two adapters for that virtual machine: {{:vyosaddnetworkadaptersv2.jpg?400|}} According our topology, we need 7 interfaces, so repeat that step 5 more times :) In the end, you should have 7 network interfaces: {{:vyosnetworkadaptersfinal.jpg?400|}} ====Assign Networks==== Now that we have 7 network adapters, we have to assign them to a specific sub-network or virtualized network. However you wanna tell it :) You can use the following separation, it is all according the topology above: {{:vyosnetworkadaptersallocation.jpg?400|}} In the end, you should have something like that: {{:vyosnetworkadaptersfinal.jpg?400|}} ====Startup & Login==== After all that, we can finally start and login to the machine: {{:vyosstartup.jpg?400|}} The default login credentials are as follows: Username: vyos Password: vyos {{:vyosstartupv2.jpg?400|}} =====Image & Network Config===== In this section we will install the network image and configure the networks. So let's get started: ====Image Installation==== To install the image software, just type: "install image" and following the settings. The first set of settings are: * Are you sure you want to start: Yes * Partitioning: Auto * Disk to be used for the installation: "sda", which will be used also as boot disk * Verification for deleting all data on sda: Yes {{:vyosimageinstall.jpg?400|}} Then we have to fill: * The name of the image: default (1.1.8) * The Boot file: default (/config/config.boot) * Vyos password: blackbox1 * Booting disk: default (sda) {{:vyosimageinstallv2.jpg?400|}} After all is done, we should have the image set up. {{:vyosimageinstallv3.jpg?400|}} Now, if we leave it like that, when we restart, it will boot from the disk again and all that will be for nothing. We have to safe that config to the disk: ====Change Booting order==== To change the booting order, we have to shutdown the machine and unmount the disk from the VMWare: So, first, power off the machine: {{:vyoschangebooting.jpg?400|}} Then open the virtual machine in VMWare and unmount the disk as follows. - Go to VM Settings - CD/DVD(IDE) - Change to: "Use physical device" and untick the "Connect at power on": {{:vyoschangebootingv2.jpg?400|}} Now, when the machines boots up, it will boot from the hard disk (/dev/sda) which we configured. Next, configuring the networks :) ====Networks Configuration==== Now, the configure the router, you can either check my other topic, to configure a Cisco router, or you can follow the guide below. To configure network, use the following: vyos@vyos:~$configure [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth0 address [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth1 address [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth2 address [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth3 address [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth4 address [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth5 address [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set interfaces ethernet eth6 address [edit] We have to also allow SSH and SSH using root: vyos@vyos:~$set service ssh [edit] vyos@vyos:~$set service ssh allow-root [edit] Now that is done, we have to commit our changes: vyos@vyos:~$ commit vyos@vyos:~$ save Like that, our changes are saved upon restart. Now, we can finally test it. ====Test==== To test the configuration, be sure that the VMWare virtual interface on your client machine is configured on the same network as the eth0: {{:vyosclientvmwareadapter.jpg?400|}} After that, verify you can ping the eth0 IP on the router: {{:vyosclientpingverify.jpg?500|}}