Ansible and Oracle allow you to automate a lot of things around the OCI. In this module we will address the automation of:
In later modules, we will make it even better with the introduction of roles. So let's get going. P.S. A disclaimer is in order here….I will not share my compartment or SSH keys…..obviously :D
Ansible has variable of modules for the compute node or for anything in general, but the following playbook automate the creation of a compute node.
Of course you need to create a VCN prior that with the correct name:
Create a compute node
(venv) julien.andonov@julienandonovs-MacBook-Pro venv % ansible-playbook -i setup_computenode.yaml --extra-vars "hostname=jdbwiki" [WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details PLAY [localhost] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [localhost] TASK [set_fact] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Actually that command, created the server on which that page is currently running :D
The playbook you can see below:
--- - hosts: localhost collections: - oracle.oci tasks: - block: - name: Get Running Instance ID oci_compute_instance_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" lifecycle_state: "RUNNING" register: instance_facts - name: Launch an instance oci_compute_instance: availability_domain: "{{ instance_ad }}" compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" name: "{{ hostname }}" image_id: "{{ instance_image }}" shape: "{{ instance_shape }}" create_vnic_details: assign_public_ip: True hostname_label: "{{ hostname }}" subnet_id: "{{ instance_subnet_id }}" metadata: ssh_authorized_keys: "{{ SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS }}" freeform_tags: "{'tier': 'spares'}" wait: True when: (instance_facts.instances | regex_findall('{{ hostname }}') | length) == 0 register: result - name: Print Result debug: msg: "{{ result }}" - name: Get the facts when instance is already created oci_compute_instance_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" display_name: "{{ hostname }}" lifecycle_state: "RUNNING" register: instances - name: Print Instances debug: msg: "{{ instances }}" - set_fact: result: "{{ instances.instances[0] }}" - name: Print instance details debug: msg: "Launched a new instance {{ }}" - set_fact: instance_id: "{{ }}" when: instances is defined - name: Get the VNIC attachment details of instance oci_compute_vnic_attachment_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" instance_id: "{{ instance_id }}" register: result - name: Get details of the VNIC oci_network_vnic_facts: id: "{{ result.vnic_attachments[0].vnic_id }}" register: result - set_fact: instance_public_ip: "{{result.vnic.public_ip}}" - name: Print the public ip of the newly launched instance debug: msg: "Public IP of launched instance {{ instance_public_ip }}" - name: Wait (upto 10 minutes) for port 22 to become open wait_for: port: 22 host: '{{ instance_public_ip }}' state: started delay: 10 timeout: 600 vars: ansible_connection: local - set_fact: ssh_command_with_generated_key: ssh -i "/Users/julien.andonov/.oci/id_oci" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" opc@{{ instance_public_ip }} uname -a - set_fact: ssh_command_with_custom_key: ssh -i "/Users/julien.andonov/.oci/id_oci" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" opc@{{ instance_public_ip }} uname -a - name: Attempt a ssh connection to the newly launched instance command: "{{ ssh_command_with_custom_key if 'SAMPLE_PUBLIC_SSH_KEY' in ansible_env else ssh_command_with_generated_key }}" retries: 3 delay: 5 register: result until: result.rc == 0 - name: Print SSH response from launched instance debug: msg: "SSH response from instance -> {{ result.stdout_lines }}" - name: Add host add_host: name: "{{ hostname }}" ansible_ssh_host: "{{ instance_public_ip }}"
So the playbook, won't create a compute node which already exist and it will also verify that the server has been created :)
Now, since OCI stands for Oracle Cloud Interface, well…they have Oracle Linux and AS SUCH, by default it is MySQL 8, so…my first task is to DELETE the MySQL 8 :D in my playbook. Then I install the new packages and so on so far…. :)
MySQL Deployment
ansible-playbook -i setup_mysql.yml --extra-vars "hostname=db-stg-001" --extra-vars "root_password=UlraSecurePassword123#" --extra-vars "version=5.7
For the people who are wondering what the: “” is. It is a file by Oracle, which allows you to create dynamic inventory based on your OCI, so I don't have to keep a track of if a server still exist or I killed it….brutally I might add.
Again, the playbook you can see below:
--- - hosts: localhost collections: - oracle.oci vars_files: - /Users/julien.andonov/Work/POCE-playbooks/oci-ansible-collection/samples/compute/venv/variables.yml tasks: - block: - name: Get instance details oci_compute_instance_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" lifecycle_state: "RUNNING" display_name: "{{ hostname }}" register: instances_details - name: Get facts debug: msg: "{{ instances_details }}" - name: Save instance info set_fact: instance: '{{ instances_details["instances"] }}' instance_ips: '{{instances_details["instances"] | map(attribute="primary_public_ip") }}' - name: Add instance(s) to in-memory inventory add_host: name: '{{ item }}' loop: '{{ instance_ips }}' - name: Configure MySQL vars: ansible_user: opc ansible_become: yes ansible_become_method: sudo hosts: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["instance_ips"]}}' tasks: - block: - name: Remove repository (and clean up left-over metadata) file: path: /etc/yum.repos.d/mysql-ol7.repo state: absent - name: Remove MySQL 8.0 packages yum: name: - mysql-community-client-plugins-8* - mysql-community-common-8* - mysql-community-libs-8* - mysql-community-libs-compat-8* state: absent - name: yum-clean-metadata command: yum clean metadata args: warn: no - name: Add repository yum_repository: name: mysql-ol7-5.7 baseurl: https://yum$ociregion.$ocidomain/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/MySQL57_community/$basearch/ description: MySQL 5.7 Repo enabled: yes gpgcheck: yes gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle - name: Install MySQL Packages yum: name: - mysql-community-server - mysql-community-client - MySQL-python state: present - name: Stop MySQL service: name=mysqld state=stopped enabled=false - name: Change ownership of MySQL Directory ansible.builtin.file: path: /var/lib/mysql/ owner: mysql group: mysql mode: 0755 - name: Re-create the Data Directory ansible.builtin.file: path: /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/ state: absent - name: Create MySQL Data directory if it doesn't exist ansible.builtin.file: path: /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/ owner: mysql group: mysql state: directory mode: 0755 - name: Create MySQL Log directory if it doesn't exist ansible.builtin.file: path: /var/log/mysql/ state: directory owner: mysql group: mysql mode: '0755' - name: Create MySQL Log file ansible.builtin.file: path: /var/log/mysql/slow.log state: touch owner: mysql group: mysql mode: '0640' - name: Stop MySQL service: name=mysqld state=stopped enabled=true - name: Get last three characters of a string shell: | hostname | tail -c 4 register: server_id - name: Modify the config file shell: | echo " [mysqld] back_log = 128 binlog_cache_size = 128K binlog_row_image = minimal character_set_server = utf8 collation_server = utf8_bin datadir = /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/ expire_logs_days = 10 innodb_adaptive_hash_index = 0 innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 4 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 9216M innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/ innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT innodb_io_capacity = 300 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120 innodb_log_file_size = 1G innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/ innodb_numa_interleave = 1 innodb_purge_batch_size = 1000 innodb_purge_threads = 8 innodb_read_io_threads = 12 innodb_tmpdir = /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/ innodb_write_io_threads = 12 join_buffer_size = 128K key_buffer_size = 32M local_infile = 0 log_bin = /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/{{ hostname }}-bin.log log_error = /var/log/mysql/mysql-error.log log_slave_updates = 1 log_slow_admin_statements = 1 lower_case_table_names = 1 max_allowed_packet = 32M max_connect_errors = 50000 max_connections = 500 max_heap_table_size = 64M max_relay_log_size = 1G open_files_limit = 32768 read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M relay_log = mysql-relay-bin relay_log_index = mysql-relay-bin.index relay_log_info_repository = TABLE relay_log_recovery = ON replicate_ignore_db = mysql replicate_ignore_table = mysql.user replicate_ignore_table = mysql.db replicate_ignore_table = replicate_ignore_table = mysql.tables_priv replicate_ignore_table = mysql.columns_priv replicate_ignore_table = mysql.procs_priv replicate_ignore_table = mysql.proxies_priv report_host = {{ hostname }} server-id = {{ server_id.stdout }} skip_name_resolve = 1 skip_slave_start = 1 slave_compressed_protocol = 1 slave_parallel_type = LOGICAL_CLOCK slave_parallel_workers = 2 slave_preserve_commit_order = 1 slow_query_log = 1 slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/slow.log socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/mysql.sock sort_buffer_size = 32M sql_mode = PIPES_AS_CONCAT,NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,TRADITIONAL sync_binlog = 0 sysdate_is_now = 1 table_open_cache = 8192 thread_cache_size = 128 tmp_table_size = 64M tmpdir = /tmp user = mysql" > /etc/my.cnf - name: Start MySQL service: name=mysqld state=started enabled=true - name: Check if a file exist stat: path: /root/.my.cnf register: mysql_file - name: Obtain & Change temporal password shell: | temporal_password=`awk '/A temporary password is generated for/ {a=$0} END{ print a }' /var/log/mysql/mysql-error.log | awk '{print $(NF)}'` mysql -uroot -p${temporal_password} --connect-expired-password -S /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/mysql.sock -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ root_password }}';flush privileges; echo "[client] user=root password=\"{{ root_password }}\" > /root/.my.cnf when: not mysql_file.stat.exists - name: Create mysql replication user community.mysql.mysql_user: login_user: root login_password: "{{ root_password }}" login_unix_socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/mysql.sock name: replication host: '%' priv: "*.*:REPLICATION CLIENT, REPLICATION SLAVE" password: "{{ root_password }}"
Now, of course, I will change the configuration with a template and so on, but that is for a later module.
Now, in order to configure replication and refresh. We need to implement the snapshot of the block device. But wait…we didn't configure a block device yet, so let's get that going.
To configure a block device you can use the following command:
Block device config
ansible-playbook -i setup_storage_computenode.yml --extra-vars "hostname=db-stg-001"
The playbook itself, you can see below:
--- - hosts: localhost collections: - oracle.oci tasks: - block: - name: Get instance details oci_compute_instance_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" lifecycle_state: "RUNNING" display_name: "{{ hostname }}" register: instances_details - name: Get facts debug: msg: "{{ instances_details }}" - name: Save instance info set_fact: instance: '{{ instances_details["instances"] }}' instance_ips: '{{instances_details["instances"] | map(attribute="primary_public_ip") }}' - name: Show instances name debug: msg: '{{instance}}' - name: Show instance's IPs debug: msg: '{{instance_ips}}' - name: Add instance(s) to in-memory inventory add_host: name: '{{ item }}' loop: '{{ instance_ips }}' - name: Get hostvars debug: msg: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["instance_ips"]}}' - name: Create a block device oci_blockstorage_volume: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" availability_domain: "{{ instances_details.instances[0].availability_domain }}" display_name: "{{ hostname }}-bv1" size_in_gbs: 20 register: created_volume - name: Get the block device data oci_blockstorage_volume_facts: display_name: "{{ hostname }}-bv1" availability_domain: "{{ instance_ad }}" compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" lifecycle_state: "AVAILABLE" register: compute_node_block_volume - name: Print block devices debug: msg: "{{ compute_node_block_volume }}" - name: Attach volume_attachment oci_compute_volume_attachment: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" instance_id: "{{ instances_details.instances[0].id }}" type: service_determined volume_id: "{{ compute_node_block_volume.volumes[0].id }}" regoster: attached_block_device - name: Save attachement commands set_fact: iscsi_attach_commands: '{{ attached_block_device.volume_attachment.iscsi_attach_commands }}' - import_playbook: execute_shell_commands_root.yml vars: instance_ip: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["instance_ips"] }}' bash_commands: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["iscsi_attach_commands"] }}'
That playbook, will create a block device, attach it and also attach it on the host using the following playbook:
--- - name: Attach the device vars: ansible_user: opc ansible_become: yes ansible_become_method: sudo hosts: '{{ instance_ip }}' tasks: - block: - name: Execute commands ansible.builtin.command: '{{ item }}' loop: '{{ bash_commands }}'
With all that, we can finally configure the refresh (resnap) and configure the replication:
--- - hosts: localhost collections: - oracle.oci vars_files: - /Users/julien.andonov/Work/POCE-playbooks/oci-ansible-collection/samples/compute/venv/variables.yml tasks: - block: - name: Get Replica instance details oci_compute_instance_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" lifecycle_state: "RUNNING" display_name: "{{ REPLICA }}" register: replica_details - name: Save Replica info set_fact: instance: '{{ replica_details["instances"] }}' replica_ip: '{{replica_details["instances"] | map(attribute="primary_public_ip") }}' - name: Add replica instance(s) to in-memory inventory add_host: name: "replica_ip" ansible_host: '{{ replica_ip }}' - name: Get attached devices on Replica oci_compute_volume_attachment_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" instance_id: "{{ replica_details.instances[0].id }}" register: replica_volume_attachment_facts - import_playbook: detach_iscsi.yml vars: instance_ip: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["replica_ip"] }}' - name: Create iSCSI attachement hosts: localhost collections: - oracle.oci vars_files: - /Users/julien.andonov/Work/POCE-playbooks/oci-ansible-collection/samples/compute/venv/variables.yml tasks: - block: - name: Get Primary instance details oci_compute_instance_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" lifecycle_state: "RUNNING" display_name: "{{ PRIMARY }}" register: primary_details - name: Save primary info set_fact: instance: '{{ primary_details["instances"] }}' primary_ip: '{{primary_details["instances"] | map(attribute="primary_public_ip") }}' primary_prv_ip: '{{primary_details["instances"] | map(attribute="primary_private_ip") }}' - name: Add primary instance(s) to in-memory inventory add_host: name: '{{ item }}' loop: '{{ primary_ip }}' - name: Get attached devices on Primary oci_compute_volume_attachment_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" instance_id: "{{ primary_details.instances[0].id }}" register: primary_volume_attachment_facts - name: Get all devices on Replica oci_compute_volume_attachment_facts: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" instance_id: "{{ replica_details.instances[0].id }}" register: replica_volume_attachment_facts - name: Set fact, attached device on the replica set_fact: replica_attached_blockdevice_id: '{{ replica_volume_attachment_facts.volume_attachments | selectattr("lifecycle_state", "equalto", "ATTACHED") | map(attribute="id") }}' replica_attached_volume_id: '{{ replica_volume_attachment_facts.volume_attachments | selectattr("lifecycle_state", "equalto", "ATTACHED") | map(attribute="volume_id") }}' - name: Detach block level attachement device from Clone oci_compute_volume_attachment: volume_attachment_id: '{{ replica_attached_blockdevice_id[0] }}' state: absent when: replica_attached_blockdevice_id|length != 0 - name: Delete the block volume oci_blockstorage_volume: volume_id: '{{ replica_attached_volume_id[0] }}' state: absent when: replica_attached_volume_id|length != 0 - name: Create a clone data from another block volume in the same availability domain oci_blockstorage_volume: name: '{{ REPLICA }}-bv-clone' source_details: id: '{{ primary_volume_attachment_facts.volume_attachments[0].volume_id }}' type: 'volume' availability_domain: '{{ instance_ad }}' compartment_id: '{{ instance_compartment }}' size_in_gbs: 50 register: created_clone_block_volume - name: Attach the clone to the replica oci_compute_volume_attachment: compartment_id: "{{ instance_compartment }}" instance_id: "{{ replica_details.instances[0].id }}" type: service_determined volume_id: "{{ }}" register: attached_block_device - name: Save attachement commands set_fact: iscsi_attach_commands: '{{ attached_block_device.volume_attachment.iscsi_attach_commands }}' - import_playbook: execute_shell_commands_root.yml vars: instance_ip: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["replica_ip"] }}' bash_commands: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["iscsi_attach_commands"] }}' - import_playbook: setup_replication.yml vars: instance_ip: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["replica_ip"] }}' primary_host: '{{ PRIMARY }}' primary_prv_ip: '{{ hostvars["localhost"]["primary_prv_ip"] }}' primary_password: '{{ root_password }}'
That playbook will use our final playbook: “setup_replication”, which you can see below:
Setup replication
--- - name: Detach the device vars: ansible_user: opc ansible_become: yes ansible_become_method: sudo vars_files: - /Users/julien.andonov/Work/POCE-playbooks/oci-ansible-collection/samples/compute/venv/variables.yml hosts: '{{ instance_ip }}' tasks: - name: Stop Firewall service: name=firewalld state=stopped enabled=false - name: Get file coordinate shell: | cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/{{ PRIMARY }}-bin.index | tail -1 register: replication_file - name: Get position coordinate shell: | wc {{ replication_file.stdout }} | awk -F " " '{print $3}' register: replication_position - name: Change the UUID of MySQL shell: | newUUID=`uuidgen` echo " [auto] server-uuid=${newUUID}" > /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/auto.cnf - name: Start MySQL service: name=mysqld state=started enabled=true - name: Change primary on Replica community.mysql.mysql_replication: mode: changeprimary primary_host: '{{ primary_prv_ip[0] }}' primary_log_file: '{{ replication_file.stdout }}' primary_log_pos: '{{ replication_position.stdout }}' login_unix_socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/mysql.sock login_user: root login_password: "{{ root_password }}" primary_user: 'replication' primary_password: "{{ root_password }}" - name: Start replica community.mysql.mysql_replication: mode: startreplica login_unix_socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql5/mysql.sock login_user: root login_password: "{{ root_password }}"
With this, we were able to setup replication using OCI and ansible. The resnap can be done as many time as needed. It will always clone the primary's block device and attach it on replica, then it will re-establish replication.
There is one more playbook which we need to add.
--- - name: Detach the device vars: ansible_user: opc ansible_become: yes ansible_become_method: sudo hosts: '{{ instance_ip }}' tasks: - name: Find the IQN shell: | iscsiadm --mode session -P 3 | grep Target: | head | awk -F " " '{print $2}' register: iqn - name: Stop MySQL service: name=mysqld state=stopped enabled=false when: iqn.stdout != "" - name: Find possible processes holding the file system shell: | lsof +D /var/lib/mysql | awk -F " " '{print $2}' | uniq | grep -v "PID" register: locking_processes ignore_errors: yes - name: Print locking process debug: msg: '{{ locking_processes }}' when: locking_processes.stdout_lines|length != 0 - name: Kill and unmount the file system shell: | kill -9 '{{ item }}' with_items: '{{ locking_processes.stdout_lines }}' when: locking_processes.stdout_lines|length != 0 - name: Print IQN debug: msg: '{{iqn.stdout}}' - name: Unmount File system mount: path: /var/lib/mysql state: unmounted - name: Detach the iSCSI community.general.open_iscsi: login: no target: '{{iqn.stdout}}' when: iqn.stdout != ""
That playbook will stop the MySQL and detach the iSCSI from the compute node, so we can safely, remove it from the OCI as well.
This ansible project consists of 3 roles:
That will create architecture with 1 InnoDB Clusterset and a replicaset attached to it. The full code, you can see here: