This way partially uses the script method but this time, instead of receiving spam A LOT. I will integrate the script with nagios so I can be notified ONLY when there is a problem.
You can use ANY script with nagios as soon as it provides the correct exit status. Nagios script should exit with:
Knowing that, I have modified the previous script to exit accordingly:
Script to be integrated with Nagios
#!/bin/bash OIFS=$IFS IFS=" " NIFS=$IFS function status { OUTPUT=`$GG_HOME/ggsci << EOF info all exit EOF` } function alert { for line in $OUTPUT do GNAME=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F" " '{print $3}') GSTAT=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F" " '{print $2}') GTYPE=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F" " '{print $1}') if [[ ${GTYPE} == "MANAGER" ]] || [[ ${GTYPE} == "REPLICAT" ]] || [[ ${GTYPE} == "EXTRACT" ]] then case ${GSTAT} in STOPPED) STAT="STOP" ;; ABENDED) STAT="ABEND" ;; RUNNING) STAT="OK" ;; *) STAT="UNKNOWN" ;; esac fi done echo ${STAT} case ${STAT} in ABEND) exit 2 ;; STOP) exit 1 ;; OK) exit 0 ;; *) exit 3 ;; esac } export GG_HOME=$(find /u01/app -name "ggsci" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied"); export GG_HOME=${GG_HOME%??????} export ORACLE_HOME=$(echo `tail -1 /etc/oratab` | awk -F":" '{print $2}') export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib export ORACLE_SID=$(echo `tail -1 /etc/oratab` | awk -F":" '{print $1}') status alert
The following scripts, exports the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID (as long as it is the last one) and the Golden Gate Home location (as long as it is somewhere under /u01/app). The scripts also exits appropriately as listed above.
Now to make that script works we have to make coupel things:
We have to configure two thigns here:
The client configuration will involve re-configuring the NRPE cfg and sudoers (as we need nagios to execute the script as oracle owner) The Server Configuration Will include adding this config on the nagios server.
Nagios usually comes with plugin called NRPE. Locate where is the nrpe.cfg and edit it as follows by appending this line at the end:
Edit NRPE cfg
command[check_gg_oracle]=sudo -u oracle /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
It is import the script to be executed with Oracle user as the golden gate doesn't have a client way of connecting to the console.
Once that is done, we have to update the sudoers as well. I know there is way more secure way, but I have done as follows:
Update Sudoers
## Same thing without a password # %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
That will allow the nagios to execute any command as any user. I know quite unsecure, feel free to change it with ALL=(oracle)
Once this is done, it is ready to add that in the nagios itself :)
Once this is all done, we are ready to add this feature to our server:
Go to:
After all this is done, you should be able to see the monitoring status for that service in your dashboard.